Investment Management Course

Investment Management Course

Welcome | Course Overview | Unit 1: Frameworks | Unit 2: Planning | Unit 3: Implementing

Welcome to the Investment Management Course!

This course is intended to help you build your knowledge to manage your investments in alignment with your values. In particular, I focus on those of us who hold values related to both personal and collective wellbeing and wish to better navigate the world of investing.

In this course, I will help you understand investing approaches related to both "conventional" and "socially responsible" investing. You'll use this information to identify your personal investing policies, which you'll then document in a personalized investment policy statement (IPS). My goal is that you leave this course ready to implement an investment strategy that you understand and feel good* about.

(*Well, as "good" as possible given the complex, uncertain, and unjust realities of our current financial systems...)

This course consists of 3 units that are intended to be completed over one month each, with 2-4 hours of course time per month.

This is Course #2 in my two-part Both/And Finance course series. I recommend you take this after you've completed my Financial Foundations course which you can find here.

Ready to get started? Begin with the Investment Management Course Overview Video below.

Support this work and join me for office hours!

If you appreciate this content, I hope you will consider becoming a monthly supporter here or making a one-time contribution in any amount here.

If you contribute at the indicated monthly amounts, you will be able to join me at group or one-on-one office hours which can really enhance the value you get from this course. A win-win!

Thank you for pitching in if you are able. Your support will allow me to keep creating free resources while still paying my bills (I hope!).

P.S. I'm not asking that you continue as a paid subscriber forever, but I would really appreciate it if you could contribute during the period that you are using the course. Thanks again!

Viewing Notes - 1) You can turn on closed captions by hovering over the bottom right corner of each video. 2) You can also change the playback speed - I like 1.5X speed or higher, personally. 3) These videos seem to work best in Chrome, on a computer (rather than a phone).

Investment Management Course Overview

Watch this video for an introduction to the Both/And Finance Investment Management course.

Please note: you will need to be a paid subscriber (at any level) to enter the course units below. You can update your subscriber level here.

Unit 1 - Frameworks

Build your tools and knowledge to manage your investments in alignment with your values.

Enter Unit 1 here:

Investment Management - Unit 1
Personal finance resources for people who care about BOTH personal AND collective thriving.
Topics covered in Unit 1
- Financial and non-financial risk and return
- Investing Part 2 - Other important investment management concepts
- The Investment Impact Spectrum

Unit 2 - Planning

Clarify your constraints and consider your target portfolio allocations.

Enter Unit 2 here:

Investment Management - Unit 2
Personal finance resources for people who care about BOTH personal AND collective thriving.
Topics covered in Unit 2
- Time Horizon and Liquidity
- Risk Tolerance and Asset Allocation
- Diversification and Correlation
- Including "impact" considerations in our portfolio planning

Unit 3 - Implementing

Determine your investment management policies and make your action plan.

Enter Unit 3 here:

Investment Management - Unit 3
Welcome to Unit 3 of the Both/And Finance Investment Management Course! Before you start this unit... please make sure you’ve completed Unit 1 here and Unit 2 here. To begin Unit 3... use the link below to create a copy of the Unit 3 Activities Checklist: Copy: Unit 3
Topics covered in Unit 3:
- Determining and documenting your investment philosophy
- Management considerations for community investments
- Sourcing and evaluating investments
- Revisiting your current portfolio
- Action plan

Questions? Comments?

Email me at

I look forward to connecting with you!

Important legal note: This course is not financial advice or recommendation for any investment. The content is for informational purposes only, you should not construe any course information or other material as legal, tax, financial, or other advice.

In other words, I will provide educational information that empowers you to make your own informed decisions for yourself, but I will not give specific investment advice. If you have questions about this, feel free to reach out to me for a chat.