Getting Our Bearings

Getting Our Bearings

Getting Our Bearings within the Wider World of Finance

I originally put together this video series (links below) as a "prequel" to the Both/And Finance Courses that I am in the process of launching. Along the way, I've realized that these videos might also be helpful as a general introduction to my work. If lengthy articles are not your thing, but you're still curious about what I'm up to here at Both/And Finance, I'd invite you to check out the video series below.

Viewing Notes - 1) You can turn on closed captions by hovering over the bottom right corner of each video. 2) You can also change the playback speed - I like 1.5X speed or higher, personally. 3) These videos seem to work best in Chrome, on a computer (rather than a phone).


A brief overview of what to expect in this video series.

Part 1 - The Finance Matrix

I explain how the Finance Matrix gives us a way to understand the overall field of finance. I describe how the worldview of "most of finance" works and why this matters to many of us interested in moving our economy toward something better.

Here's the Finance Matrix and TBD Finance article that I cover in the above video. I also reference this section of my Resources Page: Debunking "Econ 101" and Marketworld Thinking.

Part 2 - Community-Minded Personal Finance

I explain how the field of personal finance relates to the Finance Matrix and how we can tell if we are in a Community-Minded Personal Finance space or not.

Here's the Community-Minded Personal Finance article that I cover in the above video. I also reference this U-School site. And, I want to acknowledge that a lot of my thinking for this article and video are influenced by Carol Anne Hilton's book: Indigenomics: Taking a Seat at the Economic Table.

Part 3 - Personal Finance Steps

I discuss the standard personal finance steps and how I think Status Quo and Community-Minded Personal Finance differ across these steps. I end by explaining where and how I see my work fitting in.

Here's the Personal Finance Steps article that I cover in the above video. Here's a direct link to the Examples of Community-Minded Framing of Personal Finance Steps section of that article.

Thanks for watching!

🤓Curious about working together?

You can find more about my coaching offerings here and my upcoming courses here.

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Disclaimer: This is not financial advice or recommendation for any investment. The content is for informational purposes only, you should not construe any such information or other material as legal, tax, investment, financial, or other advice.