Financial Foundations Course

Financial Foundations Course

Welcome | Course Intro | Why | FFS Templates | Unit 1: Grounding | Unit 2: Forecasting | Unit 3: Investment Portfolios

Welcome to the Financial Foundations Course!

This course is designed to help you clarify your financial situation and build tools for forecasting your financial future.

This course consists of 3 units that are intended to be completed over one month each (with 2-4 hours of course time per month).

You can find a description of this course here.

Ready to get started? Begin with the Course Overview Videos below.

Support this work and join me for office hours!

If you appreciate this content, I hope you will consider becoming a monthly supporter here or making a one-time contribution in any amount here.

If you contribute at the indicated monthly amounts, you will be able to join me at group or one-on-one office hours which can really enhance the value you get from this course. A win-win!

Thank you for pitching in if you are able. Your support will allow me to keep creating free resources while still paying my bills (I hope!).

P.S. I'm not asking that you continue as a paid subscriber forever, but I would really appreciate it if you could contribute during the period that you are using the course. Thanks again!

Viewing Notes - 1) You can turn on closed captions by hovering over the bottom right corner of each video. 2) You can also change the playback speed - I like 1.5X speed or higher, personally. 3) These videos seem to work best in Chrome, on a computer (rather than a phone).

Course Overview Videos

Course Intro

Watch this video for an introduction to the Financial Foundations course.

Why am I doing this?

Watch this video if you're curious about why I'm doing this.

Financial Foundations Templates:

Example of a filled-out Financial Foundations Template:
Financial Foundations Template - Frog and Toad Example

Unit 1 - Grounding

Exploring your actual and relative financial wealth.

Click this link to enter Unit 1:

Financial Foundations - Unit 1
Welcome to Unit 1 of the Both/And Finance Financial Foundations Course! Before you start... make sure you’ve watched the Course Intro video here. Please also be sure that you’ve created and saved a copy of the Financial Foundations Template as discussed in that video. To begin Unit 1... click
Topics covered in Unit 1
- Money stories
- Wealth distribution facts (and stories)
- Your guiding principles
- Reviewing your financial balance sheet

Unit 2 - Forecasting

Understanding what your money math looks like and reflecting on "enough."

Click this link to enter Unit 2:

Financial Foundations - Unit 2
Welcome to Unit 2 of the Both/And Finance Financial Foundations Course ICYMI, you can find Unit 1 here and the Course Intro here. To begin Unit 2... use the link below to create a copy of the Unit 2 Activities Checklist. Save this checklist to your course folder and
Topics covered in Unit 2 
- Looking ahead: goals, dreams, and what-ifs
- Forecasting your financial future
- Reviewing your cash flows
- Reflecting on "enough"

Unit 3 - Investment Portfolios

Understanding your current investments and considering your holistic portfolio.

Click this link to enter Unit 3:

Financial Foundations - Unit 3
Welcome to Unit 3 of the Both/And Finance Financial Foundations Course Once you’ve completed the Financial Foundations Course Intro, Unit 1, and Unit 2, you can delve into Unit 3 here! To begin Unit 3... use the link below to create a copy of the Unit 3 Activities Checklist.
Topics covered in Unit 3 
- Holistic portfolio thinking
- Investing Part 1 - asset classes, diversification, risk & return, retirement accounts
- Understanding key info about your current investments

Support this work and join me for office hours!

If you appreciate this content, I hope you will consider becoming a monthly supporter here or making a one-time contribution in any amount here.

If you contribute at the indicated monthly amounts, you will be able to join me at group or one-on-one office hours which can really enhance the value you get from this course. A win-win!

Thank you for pitching in if you are able. Your support will allow me to keep creating free resources while still paying my bills (I hope!).

P.S. I'm not asking that you continue as a paid subscriber forever, but I would really appreciate it if you could contribute during the period that you are using the course. Thanks again!

Want to learn more about the context for this course? Check out my Course Prequel Video Series here:
Getting Our Bearings within the Wider World of Finance

What's Next

This Financial Foundations course is part 1 of a 2-part course series. You can find the second course in this series, Investment Management, here.

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