Coaching Services

Courses + Coaching Package | Customized Coaching | What types of people are a good fit to work with me? | Questions

I currently offer coaching via two types of service models: 1) Courses + Coaching Package; 2) Customized Coaching Engagements.

Interested in learning more? Book time with me here and let's chat!

Courses + Coaching Package

This is a course and coaching combination offering. This is the service model that I believe will help you to get the very most out of my Both/And Finance courses.

We are all at different places in our understanding of both our personal finances and the wider landscape of finance. By having monthly 1.5 hour coaching sessions with me while also working through the Financial Foundations and Investment Management course content, you can be “met where you are” in your personal journey related to the course topics.

Through our monthly one-on-one meetings, we can spend extra time on the areas that are most important to you and I can answer your questions in the order of priority that you choose. Also, with this model, you can share your “homework” with me so that you get another set of eyes on the resources that you develop for yourself throughout the course. In this way, we work together to ensure you have the knowledge, confidence, and tools to manage your finances in the ways that feel the most empowered and values-aligned to you.

Courses + Coaching Pricing: individuals = $350/month; couples = $450/month.

Each month, you’ll get: 1.5 hours of one-on-one coaching with me plus personalized review and feedback on your work from the Both/And Finance courses.

If you want to take the courses as a couple, we'll extend our sessions to 2 hours per month and I'll review both partners’ materials each month. I’m also happy to work with larger households, just reach out to me to discuss pricing and what might best fit your needs.

I ask for a minimum 3-month commitment and I recommend a 6-month commitment. 

Customized Coaching Engagements

With this service, we co-develop a plan to cover your top personal finance priorities through a customized one-on-one engagement.

In addition to the types of topics covered in the Both/And Finance courses, these engagements can be designed to support you in:

  • Leveraging your resources to make the most impact you can, in the areas that matter most to you

  • Developing and implementing your community investing, local investing, or catalytic investing strategies

  • Supporting you in your philanthropic goals, including social justice giving and legacy giving planning

  • Other “advanced topics” related to managing your finances in a community-minded way
Customized Coaching Pricing: Varies based on engagement, typically $2,000-$5,000 for a 3-6 month engagement.

Before we start, we'll meet to make a plan to tackle your top priorities and mutually agree on the right amount of time and cost for the engagement.

Want to learn more or not sure which option is the right fit for you? Schedule complimentary time with me here and let’s chat!

What types of people are a good fit to work with me?

1) It’s helpful if you don’t love our current form of financialized capitalism.

I don’t believe there’s such a thing as “apolitical” financial education. 

Because of this, I don’t hide my personal political analysis (for example, see my newsletter here) and I am dedicated to understanding yours.

Here’s an illustration of the range of views people who work with me tend to hold:

We don’t have to agree on everything and we don’t have to make this the center of our work together. I’m just saying… being open about this stuff is part of what makes me different from many financial professionals and it’s helpful if you like this about me 🙂.

2) It’s helpful if you are curious to learn more about managing your own finances.

I’m hugely focused on your education and empowerment when it comes to financial matters. One way to put it is that my goal is to support you to have the tools and knowledge you need to be your own financial advisor in many cases. This is partly because I believe this is an honest and fair approach that can help you avoid unnecessary expenses on financial service costs over your lifetime. And, this is partly because I believe that our economy and our world can be better when more people - especially people who don’t identify as “finance people”- are empowered to engage more directly with their own finances. 

While I will help you develop the tools you need to be your own expert, I also recognize that there are various reasons many people prefer to work with a financial advisor to manage their finances. For people in this category, I can play a complementary role to your primary financial advisor/s. I can help you build your capacity to get the most out of your relationships with other finance professionals. And, I can support you with your specific goals related to aligning your resources with your values.

3) It's helpful if you are in a position where your financial priorities are related to saving, investing, and/or giving.

As I’ve written about in my newsletter, we can think of a standard personal finance roadmap as looking something like this: 

My course content and my areas of expertise are more focused on the red “investing” side of these steps rather than on the blue “money stuff” steps. While my Financial Foundations course does consider some money stuff topics like money stories and cash flow management, I do not focus heavily on these. I’m especially light on content and expertise related to debt and credit management strategies.

If cash flow management, debt management, and/or credit score improvement are your top priorities, I want to acknowledge that my material is probably not the best fit for you at this time. Here are some excellent resources I’d recommend instead:


Email me at or
schedule a chat with me here.

I look forward to connecting with you!

Important legal note: Any work we do together will be structured as an educational or coaching engagement, NOT a financial advising engagement. Throughout our coaching work together, I will not give specific investment advice. Instead, I will provide educational information that empowers you to make your own informed decisions for yourself. If you have questions about this, feel free to reach out to me for a chat.